Celebrating Milestones
This week, I celebrate two milestones. They're listed below, but not in order of importance! I started An Eclectic Muse blog on March 30, 2010. Today I'm writing my forty-seventh post, and I'm twenty-five page views from hitting the 3000 pageviews mark. Not too shabby for the first year of my blog. People in Suriname, Russia, and China have read my blog. Not to mention the UK, Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Germany! Kind of humbling, if you ask me. Some of the search phrases that led people to me are fascinating. For example, six people found me with the search phrase, "I hate Bob Evers." I have no idea who Bob Evers is, but I don't hate him since his infamy(?) led them to this blog. Four people searched "Scrooge Diary Phil Arnold" to find me. I know Phil (he writes Elvis Blog ), and it's exciting to get traffic through my friendship with him. I don't know whether any of this data f...