National Buy A Book Day
Because books, in any form, are worth having. I could go on and discuss the relative merits of this concept, but Philip Athans does a much better job on his blog, Fantasy Author’s Handbook, so check it out and go buy a book!
For those of you who prefer a simple process, these are the steps Philip suggests in his blog:
1. Go to a bookstore (or anywhere that sells books, including online)
2. Pick out a book
3. Buy it
For those of you who prefer a simple process, these are the steps Philip suggests in his blog:
1. Go to a bookstore (or anywhere that sells books, including online)
2. Pick out a book
3. Buy it
Seriously, how hard can that be? And with that note, my work here is done, but please feel free to comment and tell me what book(s) you bought.