Story Updates and The World of A Digital Artist

Before we get to the main event, my interview with artist, Julie Dillon, I have some news to share with you. My short story, "Lifesource," is now available in the latest issue of Stupefying Stories ! Dubbed by the editor, Bruce Bethke, as the " Weirder Homes & Gardens" edition, it features twelve stories "of the fantastic, funny, and frightening things that can happen in that most mundane of places: the home, with attached garden." You can download this edition to your e-reader for just 1.99. Don't have an e-reader? That's OK. Amazon offers a free Kindle for PC download here . Now on to an interview I'm very excited about. Last month, I met a digital artist whose wondrous colors transformed her creativity into awe-inspiring images. Julie Dillon’s artwork drew me in starting with the name badge at ArmadilloCon (see the photo of the image on my name badge below, reprinted with permission). When I discovered he...