Costumes: The Good, the Bad, and the Strange

I love to tell people I was a skeleton clown for Halloween when I was five. It's true, I'm not lying. The third child of four, I didn't have many opportunities to choose my costume until I got a little older. Still, in some warped way, I enjoyed being the skeleton clown. We had a skeleton outfit, but no mask. For some reason, we had a clown mask. Voila! That's how Mom dressed me that year. Another year, I was a cowgirl, wearing an outfit originally made for my brother or sister. I don't recall all of my costumes, but I do know that the skeleton outfit was a rarity. We made our costumes, year after year. I talked Mom into buying me a princess costume in the store one year. Back then, store-bought costumes were made out of ridiculously flimsy material, and I couldn't wear the masks, anyway, because of my glasses. So, the princess outfit didn't work out too well. Over the years, I dressed as a gypsy, a man (I cut a...