What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Last week, I visited my granddaughter's fourth grade class for Career Day. Since I wear a lot of hats, the kids decided I was rich. Hah! Not likely. Still, it was fun to talk to them about writing, training, editing, blogging, and speaking. I started by asking them what they want to be when they grow up. Every one of them wanted to share. I had twenty minutes and twenty-four willing participants, so I didn't hear from everyone, but I was amazed at how many of them wanted to work in the sciences. Then I told them what I wanted to be at their age. Here's a hint: Courtesy of Pixabay.com Yep. I wanted to fly through the air on the trapeze. Of course, I explained, I never got a chance to do that ( I have zip-lined, though ). Then, I told them I, also, wanted to be a writer and a teacher at their age. I even showed them the book I wrote , illustrated, and "bound" when I was ten. For fun, I brought in every journal that published one of my stories or essa...