5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Submit Your NaNoWriMo Manuscript

Can you feel it? The homestretch of NaNoWriMo ? Just a few days left and it's done! BUT... The question remains: Is your story done? Probably not. Many agents cast a skeptical eye on what lands in the slush pile in December. Why? Because many writers finish NaNoWriMo and submit their "completed" novels. Why You Shouldn't Submit in December You spent November vomiting up word count. You may have 50K words, but you don't have a finished novel. You have a partial first draft. You need to revise your work again and again and again. The story is not as good as you think it is (see # 1 & 2). Agents assume you're sending a NaNoWriMo first draft and take it less seriously. For tips on editing your work, check out these earlier posts. What You Should Submit in December It's ok to submit a manuscript in December as long as it's not this year's NaNoWriMo work. If you have something polished and complete, by all means submit it....