To Edit or Not Edit, That Is the Question

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles You did it! You wrote a novel. You heave a satisfied sigh as the last words flow onto the page. A big grin stretches over your face. Now what? If TV shows and movies are to be believed, you send it off to your agent and a few months later, receive a box full of the first prints of your hard work. Too bad it doesn't work that way, right? Movie writers don't show us the endless revisions, the working through notes with an agent, then an editor, to get it right. They don't show us the author trying to find an agent. Yes, in this day of self-publishing, you can turn right around and publish your work, skip those steps, but you're doing yourself a disservice. You MUST edit. You MUST have experienced readers and editors look over your work. If you don't, you're not publishing your best work. You're not discovering the glitches in your plot or the mistakes in character development. Someone needs ...