When Good Stories Go Unpublished

Image courtesy of FreeImages.com/Stockers9 Every now and then, I read through my unpublished short stories. This can be a frustrating or sad exercise, especially if the stories are good. If they're not good, I can cringe or laugh and then revise them. It's the Good Stories that Bug Me Yes, that sounds odd, but it's hard to live with a good story remaining unpublished. I have a few stories, some of my best ones, that fit this situation. Why? They're too long. Most short story journals and contests set word count limits at 2500-3000 words. My unpublished ones fall between the 3000-7000 word mark. I've tried cutting them down, that's how I got one of them under 5000 words, but cut any shorter, they won't work. Two have done well in the Faulkner-Wisdom contest--one of the few contests open to all fiction genres with higher word maximums and few content restrictions. Faulkner-Wisdom is one of the largest contests in the country, so to make it through...