Characters' Hot Buttons: What Drives Them Crazy?

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at Some people drive me a bit crazy. Yes, I know, I'm not supposed to admit that, but I'm human. We don't all get along. Each of us has buttons people push. Some people push them on purpose, some by accident, some have no clue that their actions push not only ours, but a lot of people's buttons. I'm trying to not let someone trigger mine today, and it occurred to me that book characters have the same issue. Do you know who pushes your characters' buttons? Scenes with button pushing can be fun to write, more importantly, they're interesting to read. Which characters push your protagonist's buttons? The antagonist should push the buttons of the protagonist, but we expect that. Other people will do it too. Readers like to read about interactions between people. This means some people will always push your protagonist's buttons and others will do it in certain situations. Wh...