Finding the Positives in a Tough Year

Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann at Can you believe it? The end of 2020 is almost here! What an odd year it has been, too. As we prepare to turn the calendar page to a new year, I hope you will take some time to reflect on the positives of the past year. I know, I know, it's a year where everyone on social media has focused on the negatives. We did have more than our fair share of negatives, but what about the positives? I challenge you to find at least five positives from 2020. 1. My leading positive would be signing with Chris Kennedy and New Mythology Press. Thanks to that experience, I finally realized a lifelong dream of getting THE WATCHERS OF MONIAH published. I can't hate 2020 when something that big happened. And the next two books will be released in early 2021! How cool is that? 2. Closely related to the first one would be that I attended one conference prior to the Covid-19 shutdowns. In early March, Falstaff Publishing ran the SAGA conference as schedu...