50 YA SciFi and Fantasy Books? Yep!

I don't know about you, but when Autumn rolls around, I love to curl up in a comfy chair with a hot drink and lose myself in the world of another book.

If that sounds like paradise to you, then guess what? There's an amazing book contest going on right now, and you won't want to miss it!

📚 If you haven’t read THE WATCHERS OF MONIAH, winner of the Imadjinn Best Fantasy Novel, you can enter to win it on BookSweeps today — plus 50 exciting Young Adult Sci-Fi & Fantasy novels from a great collection of authors AND a brand new eReader! 😲

I know, right? It's hard to believe, but it's true. Here's a peek at this amazing library worth over $500.

Here’s the link to enter 👉 bit.ly/YASFF-Sep21

This contest ends on Sept. 29, so don't wait! When you’re done, comment to let me know you’ve entered. My fingers are crossed that one of my loyal readers will win.

AND, if you know someone who would like these books, then share this giveaway with them and on your social media.

Good Luck!!!


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