Southern Author Expo Reminder

This post is short because it's been a rough few days culminating in the news that I have Covid. I'm a joiner, so I guess my body decided to join the club. 

Hope all of you are well and not getting Covid.

I will still be appearing in the Southern Author Expo with the Greenville County Library in Greenville, SC. It's virtual, so no issues there with exposure. Thank goodness. Since I'm not at 100%, it would do my soul wonders to see some fans there!

Here's the info for registering:

Southern Author Expo

The expo is from 2-3:45pm this Saturday, Jan. 22. Come and talk with me and get to know some great authors from the South!

So, except for participating in the expo, I'll be laying around catching up on my reading and binging a few shows. Which means I need suggestions. So hit me with a list of good books to read that won't drag me down right now. Or great shows to binge. Laughter is key right now, please.

Post your suggestions in the comments and don't forget the Southern Author Expo this Saturday!


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