On the Conference Road Again

Conference season is underway, and I've seen lots of social media posts from my author friends about the science fiction/fantasy (sff) cons they've already attended. I wish I could attend all of the cons in my part of the world, but cons can get expensive. Never fear, my appearance schedule is ramping up this spring. Where can you find me? Read on! My Conference Schedule Women in Publishing Summit , Virtual, March 1-4 This virtual writing conference brings writers, authors, editors, publishers, PR specialists, podcasters, etc together for a lot of incredible workshops aimed at developing your publishing career. It's a great networking opportunity. I attended last year as a participant and made some rewarding connections, so I will be attending as a participant this year, too. (I didn't get around to applying as a presenter for this one, but I'm still going!) JordanCon , Atlanta, April 21-23 This sff con focuses primarily on all things Wheel of Time and Robert Jordan...